Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm feeling again. There are some songs I cannot listen to without feeling sad. The one that comes to mind now is "Ordinary World" by Duran Duran. I think anyone who has suffered loss or pain can understand this song.

It was hard for me losing my ex. The pain of losing her was like a bitter mineral that ate me every single day. I LOVED her. The fact that it was an absolute requirement for me to have sex with a lot of other people had nothing to do with my love for her. Why can't I love someone and have sex with many other people? I've never understood the dogma against that particular form of sexual freedom. I have made this clear hundreds of times in hundreds of writings. I don't love her anymore because I realized that she never loved me. She did not love ME - she loved what she wanted me to be. I was nothing but her lump of clay to be molded and that was very unfair to my own personhood and integrity as an individual.

But still, the sort of heartbreak I've once experienced - and that most people on earth have experienced or will experience - is captured in that song.

I first heard it when I was 12. When listening to it I thought of my grandparents, of losing them, and I felt very sad.

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