Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Mean Blog

Just a warning: this blog is going to come across as very meanspirited.

I'm in the library right now and my thoughts (each one a precious gem) are being sullied by the sound of a volunteer teaching an illiterate adult to read.

How sweet! How heartwarming! But, in the end, WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT???

If you cannot read by adulthood you are already HOPELESS - and nothing will remedy that sad situation!

If you work REALLY HARD you might be a MEDIOCRITY by the age of 50 or 60!

Someone like Heidegger would pretentiously compare human thought to Mount Everest! If I'm in the Himalayan valley this poor schmuck has not even left Jersey!

Besides, has he not heard that "with knowledge increaseth sorrow?" If you can't think, don't put yourself to the trouble. It can be painful out there! I would not trade ignorance for bliss, but this poor dolt does not have a choice.

The rabble enjoy all sorts of pleasures. They enjoy sex with inferior-loving partners - even though they don't understand it! As a matter of fact, my intelligence has been treated as some kind of liability. Others have discriminated against me and witheld the pleasures of the flesh from me because I -God forbid! - actually have a human soul!

The rabble enjoy cheap, salty, sugary, fattening, ultimately tasteless food, dumb television shows, insipid music and fast cars. Back in Medieval Europe their ancestors shoveled the king's shit without ever having seen the king.

They are perfectly happy without words. They will never enjoy literature for literature's sake! They'll never think of laminating a good book so that they can read in the shower. They'll never rave about a good book for days and days and think of nothing else. They will never grow so attached to a book that they will feel an urge to SLEEP with a book when approaching the last few pages.

Their literacy will just help them to find a job other than the most brute physical labor - which is the labor they are made for and the labor they most enjoy! That's it! Nothing will instill a love of reading in them!

Oh, I'm so superior! Oh, I'm so superior!

But Geez Louise! Do you really need to interrupt my thinking and my writing with your rote, stilted reading.

"The - man - walked - the pup-py."

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