Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I ordered the film "Communion" from Amazon.com. I think "Communion" may be the only decent film ever made about the alien abduction phenomenon. It is certainly the only intelligent film ever made on this subject. And, yes, it is much, much, much better than the overrated "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" which was just a pastiche of pitiful alien pop culture cliches. To a true afficionado such as myself, it was an embarrassing hack job.

Yes, what is most striking about "Communion" is that it is intelligent. I read that the director was constantly battling the studio. That must have been a battle of epic proportions.

It is such a strange film. The creepiness comes from the fact that it is so odd and bizarre. It is scary because is is so UNLIKE most scary films. Most scary films make sense (a psychopath with a chainsaw wants to kill and eat you), but when you have something that is WEIRD it is a bit more unsettling. At least you can avoid abandoned houses and lakeside campsites.

The film is also hopeful, inspiring. I get chills when I think of some of the most poignant scenes.

My only criticism of the film is that the special effects were not quite up to snuff in 1989, which is now 21 years ago.

Boy am I OLD!!!

1 comment:

  1. But who needs special effects. We have a ton of special effects nowadays and the films are not better, but much, much worse.
