Thursday, February 25, 2010


When I was 15 (this was back in the olden days of 1995) my family got AOL , a relatively rare and new luxury back in those days (when dinosaurs still roamed the earth.)

I, of course, could not wait to lose my cybervirginity (my actual virginity would follow a painful five years later.)

One of the first chat rooms I visited was titled "BlackWomen4WhiteMen." I jumped in to the chat right away:

WillJohnsonisHot69: Hey girls. I'm a white guy looking for some black pussy.

DarkChocolateKisses: Loser

CaramelPrincess: Creep

Ebony4Ivory: If you want black pussy buy a cat!

SuccessfulBlackwoman43: Get lost loser!

To this day I cannot understand why they reacted to my message with such hostility.

Okay, maybe I have always seen things differently than others, but what's the point of joining a chatroom titled "BlackWomen4WhiteMen" if not to have indiscriminate orgies with hot white men? What are they, just unimaginative social climbers looking for a bourgeois white man in a suit and tie, a finance guy who will buy them cars and take them to Jamaica for the weekend? Boring! Or perhaps they are the type who date white men because they want to find someone they can "have a conversation with."

Why are people so sexually regimented and compartmentalized? Why didn't those fine sistas jump at my offer? Why not? What did they have to lose? At the age of 15 I was already more mature than all of them. Why make such a big deal out of being picky? Why not be free? Free like me? A mature person doesn't have to play games.

Maybe I was just a naive kid, but I honestly did not expect them to be the least bit offended by what I wrote and I was actually shocked and taken aback by how they responded. Considering the context what I wrote was entirely appropriate. They shouldn't be mad at me just because I am so much more free than them. Maybe I was as clueless as Travis Bickle was when he took a first date to a porno theater, but still - why not give in, surrender to the Dionysian?

Is youth really wasted on the young? I don't know, because most adults seem to grow more boring with age - especially when it comes to sex. And most people look their best after 40, so what a waste!

I prefer my sex to be anarchic and transgressive.

For example I am now working on a fantasy involving a person I know named Stanley. Stanley is a 35 year old Tiny Tim. He stands about 5'2" and he is weak, crippled, hobbled; he walks with an old man's cane. His teeth are black and brown from smoking. He wears glasses. His hair grows back in a small, stiff mullet frosted with blonde tips.

I am working him into my masturbation fantasies. My imaginary Brazilian girlfriend Victoria and I sometimes have three-ways with him.

Victoria and I emasculate Stanley by dressing him up as a girl. Sometimes we allow him to use a strap-on to fuck Victoria (we only sometimes allow him to use his penis.) Sometimes I'll fuck Stanley while Victoria watches.

All in all we form a very happy menage a trois.

Why can't normal human adult sexual practices be anything like this?

Instead women like the women in that chat room vie against each other to be the most unimaginative.

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