Tuesday, December 8, 2009

John Lennon, Tiger Woods and Tony Robbins


Today is the 29th Anniversary of John Lennon's death.

Here are my feelings on John Lennon: Some of his songs are absolutely brilliant, but he was garbage as a human being. Why is everyone so quick to point out Tiger Woods' hypocrisy but not John Lennon's?

John Lennon preached "no possessions" and lived in the Dakota. If he preached "no possessions" then he should have given all of his millions to the poor and lived in a Section 8 building. Period. End of story. The fact that he didn't makes him a hypocrite.

In the final analysis Mark David Chapman was more of a hero than the man he murdered.


When will Tiger Woods' spoiled brat of a wife grow up and start acting like an adult? If you want to move to Sweden stay there and pretend you're in a Bergman film! What a prudish country we live in! Why does sex after marriage always have to be within the confines of conjugal love? Our entire society needs to grow the hell up! Sex is great with love. It's also pretty damn good with hate. Sometimes it's good with the one you love and sometimes it's better with total strangers. Why put sex in a little box, tie it up, put a bow on it and expect every red-blooded man (and some women) to subscribe to such a bizarre, artificial and thoroughly unnatural idea of sex AND love?

By the way, what's wrong with Tiger Woods dating white women? Doesn't everyone have the right to date whoever the hell they want to date? If I were a famous black athlete I would never spit at a black woman again - just out of pure spite! Why should anyone be EXPECTED to sacrifice their own individuality in the name of race?


I had a dream last night that I was a Tony Robbins type of motivational speaker. I had all of his energy, pep and enthusiasm. I bounded out to the stage and shouted: "Come on! Yeah! Let's pump it up! Yeah! Let's get excited! Yeah!" And I ran through the auditorium giving everyone a high-five.

My energy and enthusiasm were identical to Tony Robbins', but my message was very different.

I preached to my audience the importance of being lazy and having a lousy, pissy attitude. Using a flow-chart and a pointer I took them step by step through the art of becoming increasingly anti-social, using Charles Manson as a model to be emulated. Finally, I stressed an anti-consumerist ethos and the healthiness of participating in unconventional sex.

When my seminar was over I gave everyone a high-five and ran out as cheesy infomercial music played over the speakers.

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