Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I walk around with a chip on my shoulder the size of Jupiter. I hate the Jersey Shore (the region and the show, but in this case the region) and I hate everyone and everything around me. I walk around angry and just HOPING for a fight, for a confrontation, for an opportunity to be rude, surly, nasty or even violent and aggressive.

I am generally misanthropic. 98% of people are total shit. 99% of women are shit (because women are much more prone to conformity.)

I have 29 years of pain, hurt, anger, resentment and frustration - all courteousy of the human race. I suffer from all the ill effects of loneliness, isolation, deprivation and years of anxiety, depression and severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't hate everyone. I like elites, people who are spiritual aristocrats. Hell - I want WINNERS around me. I want winners and extraordinary outcasts from a mediocre society.

I know plenty of extraordinary people, but that doesn't change this fact:

When I am around a certain type of person (yokels, hicks, Herd Animals, mediocrities, belongers, average human beings, ordinary tyrants and unctous bigots) I can be the nastiest, most arrogant prick in the world. And why not? It's their world - I just live in it! They are the ones with all the power!

So I walk around with all of this, it's with me every time I'm forced to interact with Herd Animals.

So all it takes is one spark for me to lose it.

Yesterday I was driving down a local highway doing the speed limit exactly when some cunt-bitch tailgates me. She tailgates me so close our bumpers are practically screwing one another.

I look in the rearview mirror and it's some typical Jersey Shore cunt. One look at her and I realize that she represents EVERYTHING I hate in this entire world.

She can tailgate me because she's a ballsy Jersey chick! She curses a lot, drives really fast and watches football with her douchebag boyfriend and his douchebag friends, just like one of the guys!

And because she's a woman, a cunt, she thinks she can do whatever she wants. Well, I took exception to her presumption.

It was time to fight back. These people have oppressed me my entire life. I have always had to do what THEY wanted to do. I have always had to deal with their rude behavior. I have always had to tolerate their cruelty (not to mention their irritating habits.) Like I said, it's their damn world, I just live in it!

These people have picked on me my entire life. Now I'm going to pick back. They don't like it when I pick back. They don't like that too much.

I gave her the middle finger in my rearview mirror and mouthed a few curses at her.

She pulled up alongside me and started yelling at me, so I screamed, 6 times:

She could not even get a word out. I drowned her out.

I won. It felt SO GOOD!!! It felt like an orgasm and thousand little pin-pricks all over my body.

It feels good to fight back and it's about damn time.

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