Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm so excited! Jury Duty is Food and Fuel

I got called for Jury Duty today! This is a dread to most people, but for me it's a chance to sketch. If I were a painter the holding room would be my picturesque landscape! I can sit there with my notebook and record my spiteful observations of everyone around me! The bigoted and nosy old ladies, the vapid community college kids, the dorky middle-aged white men who will never know art/life/love and so on and so forth. Juries do indeed represent a nice cross-section of the population - and I intuitively dislike most normal people (though through dialectics and self-improvement I am learning to overcome this soul-blocking bitterness - WE NEED THEM MORE THAN THEY WILL EVER NEED US! Bigoted old women and vapid community college kids are FOOD for the artist.)

Not only that, but Jury Duty will give me plenty of opportunities to be rude to others and to become the least popular person in the room! Yippee! Now I'll be forced to act superior for up to 8 hours at a time! I can sit there with satisfaction as I watch the Herd Animals guffaw at some dumb, inane Romantic-Comedy provided by the Monmouth County courts system. This is FUEL for the artist.

So, Jury Duty is Food and Fuel for the artist and I could always use a quick pit-stop!

This is great! Time to break out the sketch pad!

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