Monday, October 26, 2009

Another Case of Sundayitis

Sundayitis - the worst of Sunday depression: I was driving home from from Wegman's when it hit me like a ton of bricks just how much I hate everything. I feel trapped in this terrible reality of strip malls and Applebee's chains. I hate everything around me: the people, the stores, the restaurants, the shitty bubblegum pop songs on the radio, the cars around me, the gloomy weather. I just hate everything and loneliness eats me alive. I am profoundly alienated from whatever the hell is going on here and now. Some I think more should be like me and see the truth, but then how would I be special? Somebody has to be alienated in this nightmare of a dark ages - it might as well be me. Mediocrity permeates everything and the Herd rules the world - I just live in it. And this was a better Sunday than most because I actually had more than enough money to eat!

Then I woke up this morning feeling incredibly nauseous. I thought I was going to throw up. Was it the tzatziki? Did I have food poisoning?

Sitting on the toilet in the wee hours I realized all that I do have (the people I love and the people who love me) and that I need to start focusing on them.

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