Friday, October 30, 2009

Aliza novel excerpt, 500 words

Aliza for Colts Neck, first 500 or so words

"So, would you like to see my place? I'm just a few blocks away."

"Uh, okay."

"Just follow me. You'll see how easy it is."

She followed me through the parking lot of Clancy's. A right, a left and another right and we were at my place. I parked in the driveway and she parked next to the sidewalk.

I got out of my car, oh so nervous. Something one way or another was going to happen. I - toughguy that I am - have always been made nervously nauseous by confrontation. Some toughguy.

Odd. She was staying in her car. I approached her window. What kind of a lunatic did she think I was? She hadn't even turned off the engine!

She was afraid of someone as gentle as me? I'm not kidding. Someone in my writers group compared my "character" to one of the droogs in "A Clockwork Orange". I do not agree with that particular criticism. I was victimized by people like Malcolm MacDowell's character. I was the victim and they were the socially accepted victimizers. The droogs in "A Clockwork Orange" were not just conformists - they were uber-conformists. The entire film was about the conformity of postmodern youth culture. In fact, it's safe to say that Aliza was more in league with the droog-types that I ever was. She hung out with the boys who liked to torture cats. I was the one crying for hours because one of them stoned a bird to death in my presence. I was always the kind, the gentle, the sensitive, the saintly, the weak. Like Nietzsche I was too tender and fragile to play pranks with the rough boys. All of my violence and viciousness is just a compensation. Even all of my "perversion" was in love.

"Would you like to come inside for a little while?"

"No. I have to get going."

I leaned in the window.

"Can I get a kiss?"

"What? No!"

I think of the Budd Hopkins book Sight Unseen, which is basically about the ways alien abductors manipulate abductees. By the way, "The Fourth Kind" is coming to a theater near you - all of my interests eventually become popular. Damn biters.

Sometimes aliens use humans and alien-human hybrids to seduce females for their breeding programs, etc... Many of the "men" the aliens use are noticeably awkward in a seduction. For example, an abductee may be called to a phony job interview. Her interviewer, within the first three minutes, will attempt to seduce her with an awkward hug and an even more awkward attempt at a French Kiss. Being raised in what is literally an alien environment, these stooges will not know or understand adult human mating rituals or the nuances of a social interaction. These stories are creepy, bizarre or unbelievable to the average person. To me they are home. That's how "alien" I've felt when among most others. I've been "alien"ated my entire life.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! It wasn't even like that for me! I just thought I was meeting an old friend."

"Why not? I'm sure you fucked a lot of guys in college!"

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