Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I was cliche today

"Be well-ordered in your life, and as ordinary as a bourgeois, in order to be violent and original in your work" - Gustave Flaubert

This morning I was woken up by a loud knocking on my door. Bang. Bang. Bang. First on the glass and then on the wood of the door.

"Who is that?" My heart raced. Who was it? It could be anyone stopping over for any reason and I was not yet even awake.

I looked out the window and saw two elderly black women, Jehovah's Witnesses, walking away from my residence. Those fucking Jehovah Witnesses woke me the fuck up! Fucking Jehovah Witnesses.

I grumbled and grumbled and grumbled about the two Jehovah Witnesses. I then realized that I was being cliche - because it is almost cliche to hate those annoying SOBs. And hateful they are. I hate Christianity in general, but the Jehovah Witnesses are an especially loathsome Christian cult. They sacrifice their own children.

And what's with the door to door preaching? I don't go to their houses and tell them to worship Satan and indulge in hedonism!

That being said...

The truth is that I would be happy to live my life as a normal mediocrity (who wouldn't want a cozy life?) as long as my work remains brilliant, original and violent.

I don't have the same need for drugs and Rock N' Roll that I had as a young man. I'm old now (29 - can you believe that?)

Sex is a different story - I would still like to have every kind of sex imaginable with thousands of partners. But I wouldn't be so averse to settling down with the right one.

Let's face it: to be a part of a GOOD community is an antidote to depression.

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