Saturday, November 7, 2009

I plan to write a short story about this incident

Wow. Well, I'm quite tired. I just got home from seeing "The Fourth Kind" which was one of the worst movies I have seen in quite a while.

There were black queers in the theater: a black faggot and three bulldykes making noise the entire time. At the end of the film my friend and I confronted these black queers and hurled some choice racial slurs at them. Other black people were watching but not saying anything. Good. There's something refreshing about being un-PC nowadays. Ever since we could breathe we've been told that black people are superior to us and not to be challenged in any way. Well, it's nice to stand up to the oppressors sometimes.

I was itching for a fight. I haven't been in a street-fight in five years. I haven't knocked anyone out in five years. I'm overdue. I very badly want to do some violence.

What is wrong with some (not all, of course) black people? Black Americans - as a group - have it better than any other group on the face of planet earth. Yet they're always complaining. Then they harrass innocent people. And then any fair retaliation is called racism.

On top of that they were queer.

Geez, I must say! When around niggers and deviants I want to be around quiet, decent people. Be who you are or what you are, but don't bother other people! Is there any place on earth where decent, attractive, untainted white people still exist?

Not that there's any such thing as race anymore. Now all peoples are equally worthless. But at least I have warrior blood dating back to Europe.

When around people like that I wish to live in the middle ages. I would have been a knight, a warrior, a king, a tyrant, a wizard, something. Something noble.

I think of high cultures in Europe, China, Egypt and I wish I had been a noble in such times and places. Or I identify with certain times and places.

Everything is inverted. The SLAVES are now the MASTERS. They rule us. They oppress us. Deviants and niggers force their will upon us.

It's not fair.

It's not right.

I will fight against the slaves.

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